Hurstville is located south of sydney’s central business district at a distance of approximately 16km. This multi-ethnic suburb is home of many nationalities and has many high rise and residnetial building prominent in its skyline. It has many banks and shops in its retail and financial sector.
Being a typical australian suburb, there is plenty of vegetation growing in close proximity of residnetial dwellings as well as other built up areas. Natives such as gum trees or eucalyptus often grow to large for their immediate surrounds and a tree lopping service may need to be called upon the remove the trees.
Mmebers of the first fleet initially entered the area on 20th january 1788 by sailing up the georges river. Exploring the southside of the river was governer philip who rowed up the stream with a 6-oared rowboat and landed at Lugarno. Although there was a small aboriginal altercation they were mostly met with open arms by the native people.
A local builder by the name of John Sproule built a house at 96 queens road in 1893 with changed hands many time up until 1906 and was eventually acquired by hurstville council in 1986.